What is it with this whole ‘Obama the redistributionist’ meme?  It’s ridiculous.

It was George W. Bush who redistributed wealth with his tax cuts.  He took money from lower and middle income families and gave it to the most wealthy (we ALL will have to pay for the 2 trillion we have been borrowing to cover the hole).

And for what?  Nothing was gained from it: The perceived prosperity of the Bush years turned out to be a series of dangerous bubbles (proof positive, in fact, that trickle-down is a hoax).

I understand poor Republicans enjoy handing their money to wealthy Republicans.  More power to them.  But why should the rest of us?

In fact, ideally we should now increase their taxes as much as Bush cut them, for the next eight years, so THEY pay back the debt.

That’s 44% for incomes over  373K.  How about it?